

Why Archives Matter

March 21, 2010 —May 09, 2010

The Historical Society of Rockland County Presents

Why Archives Matter


March 21–May 9, 2010


HSRC History Center, 20 Zukor Road, New City


$7/adults; $5/HSRC members and seniors; $3/children (3–12)

Developed by the Upstate History Alliance, the traveling "Why Archives Matter" exhibition allows visitors to explore Civil War journals, draft exemption letters, photographs of a 1932 school pageant, and other highlights from the archives to learn their importance to historians and museums.

The HSRC gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Provident Bank Charitable Foundation, as well as support from the NYS Council on the Arts, County of Rockland and the Arts Fund of Rockland, a project of the Arts Council of Rockland.

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