


Benefits of membership in the Historical Society of Rockland County include:

  • Quarterly mailings of South of the Mountains, Rockland County's only journal of local history, which has been published continuously since 1957.
  • Timely mailings of invitations to and announcements of our events and programs.
  • 10 percent discounts on HSRC publications, maps, and items for sale in our Museum Shop.
  • Reduced fees for HSRC programs and services.
  • Free admission to the Jacob Blauvelt House and to most of the History Center museum's exhibitions.

As a private institution, not a county or state agency, the Historical Society of Rockland County depends on charitable contributions to fulfill its educational and preservation mission. It is membership dues and donations that allow the Society to continue to provide award-winning programs, exhibitions, and services. These include operating the circa 1832 Jacob Blauvelt Farmstead as a museum; the History Center, which houses our gallery, collections storage, and library and administrative space; and maintaining the Society's ambitious schedule of popular bus trips, History in Your Own Backyard bus tours, guided history-themed walks, and other exceptional on-site and outreach programs.

Communities thrive in part through the quality and extent of the cultural offerings the support. If you are interested in supporting the Historical Society as a unique feature in the Rockland County community, we encourage you to become a member.

The Historical Society of Rockland County provides a variety of options for membership, to suit a wide range of needs. Individual dues start at $25 per year (students and seniors). We hope you will consider maintaining a membership at a higher level. Membership contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Further information about Society membership and other forms of charitable giving, including estate gifts and corporate sponsorships, is available on request by contacting us at info@rocklandhistory.org.

Checks should be made payable to: Historical Society of Rockland County, 20 Zukor Road, New City, NY 10956.

If you would like to contribute to our continuing effort to save printing and postage costs, as well as to reduce our carbon footprint, please consider:

  • Joining and renewing your personal membership or business membership online. The HSRC's site is safe, secure, and easy to use.
  • Giving or renewing a gift personal membership or business membership online.
  • Providing us with your email address (at the bottom the landing page at www.RocklandHistory.org) so we can send you electronic notices of our upcoming exhibitions and events.

Personal Membership

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Business Membership

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