Education Programs
The Historical Society of Rockland County invites you to learn about the culture and lifestyle of the Lenape who lived in Rockland hundreds of years ago.
Wednesday, Thursdays, and Fridays
Please contact to schedule. Each session is approximately 60-90 minutes long.
Children will be given the opportunity to examine typical Lenape clothing, participate in hands-on demonstrations of corn grinding, and play Native American games. They will also explore the relationships and interactions the Lenape had with other Native Americans and Europeans.
$5.00 per child/student
Teachers and one adult chaperone are free for each class. Each additional adult chaperone will cost either $5 or $7, depending on the group size.
Maximum thirty participants per group, including teachers and chaperones.
For more information about scheduling a Lenape of Rockland program for your school or Scout group email educator@rocklandhistory.org.
A lesson plan outlining a typical visit is available to download below.
The Historical Society of Rockland Country
The Historical Society of Rockland County is a nonprofit educational institution and principal repository for original documents and artifacts relating to Rockland County. Its headquarters are a four-acre site featuring a history museum and the 1832 Jacob Blauvelt House in New City, New York.
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