

SOTM Contents: Jan-Mar 2018

Vol. 62, No. 1; January – March 2018


Why Are General John C. Fremont and His Wife, Jessie, Buried in Rockland Cemetery?

Michael Nevins, M.D., practiced internal medicine and cardiology in Bergen County for more than four decades until he retired and moved to Piermont. This is his third article for South of the Mountains. Information about his published books on medical history can be found at michaelnevinsmd.com.

The Lost Eichlers of Rockland County

Marie Monteagudo, M.A., M.A., M.L.S., has been researching and photographing historic sites in Chestnut Ridge since 2014. Her passion for documenting local history stems from over 25 years of expertise in public and academic libraries. In 2017 she published a photo-essay, "Historic Treasures of Chestnut Ridge," and worked with the HSRC on a bus tour of the village.

Historical Markers

Two new historical markers are dedicated in West Nyack.

COVER PICTURE. This 1856 campaign token, a little larger than a quarter and showing the head of John Charles Fremont (and an American eagle on the reverse) is in the collections of the Historical Society of Rockland County, a gift of Miss Jessie Benton Fremont, granddaughter of John and Jesse Fremont. On July 9, 1960, the Tappan Zee Historical Society, predecessor of the Historical Society of Rockland County, commemorated the 70th anniversary of General Fremont's death. Miss Fremont and her sister, Juliet Fremont Hull, attended the commemoration. "Free Soil & Free Speech" was a slogan of the 1856 Republican Party presidential campaign.

South of the Mountains is one of the tangible benefits of membership in the Historical Society of Rockland County. For more information on membership, click here: http://www.rocklandhistory.org/product.cfm?category=17.

SOUTH OF THE MOUNTAINS (ISSN 0489-9563) is published quarterly by

The Historical Society of Rockland County

20 Zukor Road

New City, NY 10956

Phone: (845) 634-9629

Fax: (845) 634-8690

Website: rocklandhistory.org

Email: info@rocklandhistory.org.

Single copy price of South of the Mountains is $5, including postage and handling.

Back issues of South of the Mountains, from 1958 through 2013, are digitized and can be viewed at www.hrvh.org. A direct link can be found at www.rocklandhistory.org under "Collections."

While all efforts are made to ensure accuracy in the articles, the Historical Society assumes no responsibility for opinions and conclusions expressed or implied by contributors.

The editors welcome contributions of letters and articles. Please con­tact us at the Historical Society. 

© 2018 The Historical Society of Rockland County

All rights reserved

Editor: Marjorie H. Johnson

Consulting Editor: Marianne B. Leese

Printing by Harrington Press, Nyack, New York

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