

SOTM Contents: Jan-Mar 2019

Vol. 63, No. 1; January–March 2019


Memories of a Farm on Ackertown Road

Laurie Hopp Rindskopf was born in Brooklyn but has spent most of her 64 years in Rockland County. She has a Ph.D. in psychology and a long career in human resources. She enjoys painting and photography and is interested in public policy issues, especially those that pertain to environmental protection, animal rescue and care, and health care. She and her husband have one daughter, who will soon graduate from Columbia Law School.


Your editor reviews an article on the website of the Piermont Historical Society entitled "Margaret Fallon (Peggy) Palmer: A Portrait of Sam Rayburn's 'Lady Friend" and the book In Defiance: Runaways from Slavery in New York's Hudson River Valley, 1735-1831.

From the Collections

Your consulting editor also serves as Senior Historian to the Historical Society. In this role, she spends much of her time researching and answering queries that come in from around the county and indeed from around the country. Marianne also devotes her Wednesdays to working on the Historical Society collections and meeting with researchers.

COVER PICTURE. Circa 1944: Barbara Stolzenberg driving a tractor at the family farm. From the Collection of Laurie Hopp Rindskopf.

SOUTH OF THE MOUNTAINS (ISSN 0489-9563) is published quarterly by

The Historical Society of Rockland County

20 Zukor Road

New City, NY10956

Phone: (845) 634-9629

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Website: www.RocklandHistory.org

Email: info@rocklandhistory.org

Single copy price of South of the Mountains is $5, including postage and handling.

While all efforts are made to ensure accuracy in the articles, the Historical Society assumes no responsibility for opinions and conclusions expressed or implied by contributors.

The editors welcome contributions of letters and articles. Please con­tact us at the Historical Society.

© 2019 The Historical Society of Rockland County. All rights reserved.

Editor: Marjorie H. Johnson

Consulting Editor: Marianne B. Leese

Printing by Harrington Press, Nyack, New York

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