

SOTM Contents: Jan-Mar 2020

Vol. 64, No. 1 – January-March 2020


Jan Pieterszen Haring: A Corrective Note

The author, erudite historian Firth Haring Fabend, has written many books and articles—as well as several for South of the Mountains—on the history of the lower Hudson Valley. She was born in Tappan, went to Nyack High School and now lives in Verona, NJ. Jan Haring was her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

My Old Stone House: The Houser-Conklin House

Erin Martin was the executive director of the Historical Society of Rockland County from 2001 to 2010, where she worked to raise the profile of local history, the Historical Society’s museum and historic preservation as a mandate for a sound community. Her prior career in the performing arts was distinguished by her work as a dancer and actor with American Ballet Theater, Jerome Robbins' Ballets, USA, and New York Shakespeare Festival. She performed at many international festivals, on Broadway and at the White House for President Kennedy.

Book Review 

Who knew that our contributing historian, Firth Haring Fabend, wrote popular—dare we say, racy—novels early in her career? Your editor reviews three.

Remembering Gardner Watts

Consulting Editor Marianne B. Leese remembers Suffern historian Gardner Watts.

COVER PICTURE. 1680 Notarial Document naming Jan Pieterszen Haring heir to his brother, Cornelis, from the Westfries Archives in Hoorn, Netherlands. The illustration is courtesy the archivist Jan de Bruin.

SOUTH OF THE MOUNTAINS (ISSN 0489-9563) is published quarterly by

The Historical Society of Rockland County

20 Zukor Road

New City, NY 10956

Phone: (845) 634-9629

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Website: www.RocklandHistory.org

Email: info@rocklandhistory.org.

Single copy price of South of the Mountains is $5, including postage and handling.

While all efforts are made to ensure accuracy in the articles, the Historical Society assumes no responsibility for opinions and conclusions expressed or implied by contributors.

The editors welcome contributions of letters and articles. Please contact us at the Historical Society.

@ 2020 The Historical Society of Rockland CountyAll rights reserved.

Editor: Marjorie H. Johnson

Consulting Editor: Marianne B. Leese

Printing by Harrington Press, Nyack, NY

South of the Mountains is one of the tangible benefits of membership in the Historical Society of Rockland County. For more information on membership, click here.

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