

Growing Up Blauvelt

Education Programs

The Historical Society of Rockland County invites you to learn what life was like for the Blauvelt family and others in Rockland during the rapidly changing world of the nineteenth century.

Wednesday, Thursdays, and Fridays

Please contact to schedule. Each session is approximately 60 minutes long.

Members of the Dutch American Blauvelt family lived in the Jacob Blauvelt House from the time it was built as a prosperous farmstead in 1832 through 1970, when Rockland County had arrived as a full-fledged metropolitan suburb. While the Blauvelt's maintained an agricultural existence during the nineteenth century, other parts of Rockland saw the rise of industry, railroads, and manufacturing which changed the social fabric of the county . A visit to the Jacob Blauvelt House gives your students and Scouts hand-on experience with the agricultural life of early Rockland County and an opportunity to explore the reaches of industrialization throughout the area.

Growing Up Blauvelt is available for school groups and Scout troops.

$5.00 per child/student

Teachers and one adult chaperone are free for each class. Each additional adult chaperone will cost $5 or $7, depending on the group size. 

Maximum thirty participants per group, including teachers and chaperones.

For more information about scheduling a Growing Up Blauvelt program for your school or Scout group, email educator@rocklandhistory.org.

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