

Week of January 10

January 9, 1875 – 150 YEARS AGO

Rockland County Journal


       Charles Graham, a most talented artist, has for several months past been engaged in sketching the unrivaled scenery of the Hudson between West Point and Yonkers. The result of his labor is now before the public in the shape of a sheet 26 x 38 and on which are to be found the most superb views of the following places, viz: Yonkers, Tarrytown, Nyack, Coldspring and West Point, and the minor views of the Palisades, Hook Mountain, Sleepy Hollow, Washington's Head-quarters, and Seventy-six House, at Tappan, Irving's residence at Sunnyside, sunset and moonlight on the Hudson, the Storm King and Crow's Nest and a variety of others, making in all twenty-seven of the handsomest sketches ever exerted. Mr. T. M. Fowler is at present canvassing for subscribers, and we say confidently that the picture is worthy of a conspicuous place in every household. This large and elegant picture will be furnished at the low price of [$]83.00 and we hope that Mr. Fowler will secure at least one hundred subscribers in our village, the location of which is so finely depicted in the drawing.


January 8, 1925 – 100 YEARS AGO

Pearl River News



       A herd of twenty-nine deer came down from their mountain retreat and visited the hillside north of Central Nyack.

       They browsed for hours among the shrubbery and were not molested. Residents who saw them declared that there were two fourteen point bucks in the herd.


FRIENDS URGE POSITION FOR MISS TOMPKINS — Daughter of Supreme Court Justice May Receive Census Appointment from Mrs. F. E. S. Knapp. — WOULD CONTROL COUNTY — Would Be but Proper Recognition for Vast Amount of Work Done — Women Leaders Point Out — Carries Appointive Power

       Miss Marjorie Tompkins, daughter of Supreme Court Justice Arthur S. Tompkins, will be appointed to conduct the 1925 census in Rockland County, if the women Republican leaders have anything to say about it, it was revealed today.

       Miss Tompkins, who has been a hard, conscientious worker in the Republican ranks, is being urged for the nomination by a large and influential group of friends, and confidence is expressed that she will receive this recognition from Mrs. Florence E. S. Knapp, Secretary of State.

       The position involves the management of the census-taking throughout the County, and will occupy six week's time. Miss Tompkins would have the power of appointing census takers in different sections of the County to make the house to house canvas.


January 9, 1975 – 50 YEARS AGO

The Journal News



       Cooperative Extension has announced a new program, "Sweet Resolutions," on sugar-less and sugar-saving cooking. Home economist Ginny McCarthy of Tappan, who will present the Sweet Resolutions program, will discuss using naturally sweet foods, cooking with honey and syrups, and making dessert mixes.

       The programs will be held on Monday, Jan. 14, at the former Greenbush School in Orangeburg; on Tuesday, Jan. 14, in the Cooperative Extension office, 87 Maple Ave., New City; and on Thursday, Jan. 16, at the Cooperative Extension Program Center, Clark Recreation Area, Suffern. Sessions will be held at 12:30 and 7:30 p.m.

       The $2 pre-registration fee may be sent to the New City Cooperative Extension office.

This Week in Rockland (#FBF Flashback Friday) is prepared by Clare Sheridan for the Historical Society of Rockland County. © 2025 by The Historical Society of Rockland County. #FBF Flashback Friday may be reprinted only with written permission from the HSRC. To learn about the HSRC’s mission, upcoming events or programs, visit www.RocklandHistory.org or call (845) 634-9629.

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